The impressionist

FEVLs have a strong focus on enjoyment and personal pleasure with their relationship to the physics aspect. This type knows what they desire in their environment and quickly moves towards achieving the goals they have created. They tend to develop routines and comfortable habits to keep themselves entrenched in a constant state of enjoyment. However, this does not mean FEVLs never shift out of their routines into new ones as they are highly impressionable to new ideas. This type is notorious for becoming enamored by new products that can aid in their satisfaction towards life. They may spend money freely with no regards to debt or consequences as they believe it is their right to get what they want. It can take many years for FEVLs to learn how to contain their spending and this can spill out into the physical energy realm as well. FEVLs may become so obsessed with their vision of a perfectly enjoyable life that they over-exert themselves physically and crash hard. This can cause them to go into hermit mode and they can lose track of friends and relationships for days at a time. Nonetheless, this type will not be down for long and can quickly recover and bounce back from negative experiences in life.
the impressionist